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Freelive – Selnergy

Minuman Asas Buah Lemon dengan Beta-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) dan Ekstrak Biji Anggur

Bahan: Serbuk Lemon, Dekstrosa, L-Cystine, Vitamin C, Beta-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), Ekstrak Biji Anggur, Pemanis (Sukralosa), dan Ejen Antipadat (Tricalcium fosfat).

Cara Penggunaan: Dimakan terus, ambil 1-2 bungkus setiap hari.

MANFAAT: Meningkatkan tenaga selular, Melindungi & memperbaiki kerosakan DNA, Memperlambat, bahkan mungkin membalikkan menopaus, menekan penambahan berat badan berkaitan dengan usia, Meningkatkan prestasi sukan, Stabilisasi tahap gula dalam darah, Mengawal keradangan, melawan jangkitan dan bakteria, Menangguhkan pelbagai penyakit berkaitan usia, Meningkatkan metabolisme, hati, kulit, otot, dan fungsi otak serta meningkatkan struktur tulang, kesihatan vaskular, reproduksi, dan fungsi sistem imun.


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Lemon Fruit Drink Base with Beta-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) and Grape Seed Extract

Ingredients: Lemon Powder, Dextrose, L-Cystine, Vitamin C, Beta-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), Grape Seed Extract, Sweetener (Sucralose) and Anticaking Agent (Tricalcium phosphate).

How to use : Direct consume, take 1-2 sachet(S) daily.

BENEFITS: Increase cellular energy, Protecting & repair DNA damage, Slowing down possibly even reversing menopause, suppresses age-related weight gain, Improve athletic performance, Stabilization of Blood sugar levels, Control inflammation, fight infection and bacteria, Delay verious age-related diseases, Increase metabolism, liver, skin, muscle, and brain function as well as improve bone structure, vascular health, reproduction, immune system function.





Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 8.2 × 9.3 × 4 cm

Selnergy, Buy 3 (Promo)

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